jeudi 23 février 2017

                          INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY
The economic collapse of the US market capital of the largest economic collapses in the history of contemporary Western economy, bankrupt the largest US banks such as Lehman Brothers, the investment in 15/09/2008, and left behind massive destruction repercussions are still continuing to the present.

In this article I do not intend to follow the descriptions of the crisis, professional associated economic analyzes, but I will refer to some intellectual connotations in this crisis, which will have significant effects on the level of global economic thought.

The observer of the history of contemporary Western thought finds that the unrest and reactions and acute fractures of the most prominent features and applications, is changing and fluctuates according to market fluctuations, and this confirms the historical link between the business class (the bourgeoisie) Liberal and thought, who founded the modern capitalist system.

New fall of liberalism and the illusion of globalization
Western economic thought after the great revolutions adopted -alta dropped Alaqtaa- the capitalist system, a free-market economy system, this system is based on the "liberal" rule philosophical thought and founder justifies all his actions.

Considers "economic liberalism" the need for freedom of the market and not interfere with it in any way, and that the state should be "neutral" and "limited" in dealing with the markets, and work rule "laissez-faire, let him pass," and that the market "invisible force" or "hidden hand" -as Adam Smith sees the market is able to self-organize without any interference from the state.

This perception liberal fantasy did not apply the full his image because it is unenforceable, was the strongest rise to this thought marginal in the nineteenth century, was the results disastrous in the first half of the twentieth century, where he signed the Great Depression (1929) (1), signed a World War I and II .

Then he got an intellectual shift in liberal thought capitalism at the hands of economic thinker John Maynard Keynes (2), the heart of the idea that the large supply generates heavy demand, a well-known (Law Sai markets), he said: that the State intervention is absolutely necessary to stimulate the economy through social support for people and this in turn will generate heavy demand, in addition to regulating the economy and the pursuit of the so-called "welfare state", this shift did not last long has stepped liberal again in the late seventies through the "Chicago School" (3), which are called "neo-liberalism", and so on persuaded economists in Chicago, the largest industrial countries to adopt liberal leaders wild theory, Vtbntha Britain (Thatcherism), America (Alridjanih).

The disaster at the intellectual level, not as a result of the mortgage crisis; it is extended to before that and specifically to the seventies when the rise of liberalism again.

However, the period of the seventies to now passed and disasters such as landslides, "the Asian tigers crisis" and "the Mexican crisis" and others, however, the crisis is the largest and most comprehensive.

And the significance of the fall of the new liberalism in this crisis, taken from a lie the claim that the market regulates itself, where the "invisible hand" that Adam Smith's claim for "Wall Street" for organizing and maintaining of collapse?

Also, the money market Federal Police file delivery (FBI), shows that the capital market turned into a serious security area full of gangs, criminals and monsters frivolous, and thus exceeded the prohibition of liberalism to regulate the economy to enter the economy police stations criminal investigation with him, and this undoubtedly liquidate the intellectual presence liberalism in full, and shows the major risks of neglecting markets without supervision.

Western thought -baad for Huda Rabana- not know, but the opening of markets for all types of prohibited transactions, or unjust interference in the market and prevent people from working in their money, and the suppression of freedoms, he did not know the fair approach which was brought by Islam, of the original Freedom of dealing in the limits of the project, and to prevent all forms of injustice, fraud and tampering with the market, with the market supervision to stop all abuses of illegal and unethical.

This crisis clearly indicate that markets, if left turned into a wild jungle where the strong eat the weak, and this came up capitalist mentality package of exotic and complex transactions were the result of falling and collapse.

It is strange that some of the neo-liberal advocates still defends the effectiveness of the free market economy, and apologizes for these landslides, and demands cautious of intervention in the market, leaving the field of market mechanisms to play their part !! (4), and the strangest thing of it defend some advocates of Westernization in the country's Muslims capitalism, and claim with these crises by applying a form of free economy western his image !!

The need for economic emancipation of the Muslim Ummah
I've been incorporating Islamic economics of the country's post-colonial phase in the major industrialized countries of the capitalist economy (5), has also been politically integrated into the same system through the United Nations, and has become the nation suffers from the "dependency" grim, and the weakness in manage themselves, so this crisis will affect them and should, and the Islamic nation has the elements of economic power if they were freed from the "dependency", and this needs to be a strong will and awareness of Saqib looks at the present and the future, and the Secretariat of senses the higher interests of the nation.

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